Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4th

M fourth was a very fun day spent with family and friends. It started on Thursday night going down to Provo and hanging out with some friends staying up all night to have a good spot to watch the Provo parade. People do not mess around down in Provo. It was a very crazy event, the side walks of prove were just covered with people and blankets, air mattress, cots and more people. Every one brought their big screen TVs out side to play Halo and guitar hero on. I enjoyed walking the streets meeting new people and just watching everyone go crazy just over a parade. After staying up all night the parade finally came, It was a very good parade and worth staying up all night for. After the parade I went up the AF canyon to relax and sit in the cool breeze. The family ate lunch up there and talked with grandma and grandpa for a bit. Once we were done with the canyon we went over to my uncle Larry's and aunt Sande's house to eat some more and chill some more. We waited for it to get dark then lit off some fire works. We even had the cops join us and crash our party. Of course the Carson's can never get together with out having the cops show up. Thank goodness they did not see my cousin Nate shooting bottle rockets at me as I run across the yard, we really would have been in trouble then. Over all It was a very fun 4th. I am so thankful that we have a day that we can celebrate our Independence and that we are a free country.
Daxton my friend madison and me at the Provo parade

Me up AF canyon on the 4th

Daxton and I up the canyon its always a tradition to take pictures by the river.

Playing with the sparklers


Amy said...

You look so pretty in the pic by the river. What's up this week anyway? Seriously I feel like a full time working mother and kind of out of control! Call me or something!

Grandma Sis said...

The pixs look like you had a good time on the 4th. I'm glad. Love ya, Grandma Sis