Friday, August 29, 2008


One of my most favorite things about summer time are the amazing sunsets. I love how every sunset is different. I have so many memories when it comes to sunsets. I have a very good friend that everytime there is a sunset we call each other and say look at the sky. Sometimes we are on vacation and not in the same place as each other so we will take pictures of the sunset and then show them when we get back. This friend of mine I will not be seeing for a very very long time due to some life choices he has made. I am going to miss telling him to look at the sunsets and watching the sunset with him when ever we got the chance. While he is gone I am going to take a picture of every sun set I can. This night I got home just in time to grab the camera and take a few pics. I guess I should start being like my mom and aunt Amy and taking a camera with me everywhere I go.


Amy said...

Ok, yes you should be like me and your mom and take your camera everywhere because you never know. Sorry to hear about your friend, I know that is going to be hard for you, but you are such a tough little runt you know. Sure do love ya.

LOVE the new background, VERY cool.

Grandma Sis said...

Shayla, The sunset you took is a very nice picture. You should take your camera with you. I know most everyone gets upset especially with Amy but in the end, we all enjoy seeing the pictures. It is a good way to keep track of histories.

Amy said...

Ok, seriously are you ALIVE????? You're killing me, post something new already! Sheesh